IT Services Desk in Gauteng, South Africa

Managed IT Services

Managed IT Services


Unitec has been providing managed IT services across a broad spectrum of industries and sectors, from government, local authority, multinational, private and public entities, as well as NGO’s since 2009. We pride ourselves on the understanding of how technology delivers value for each organisation we partner with, how unique and nuanced these values are and how leveraging the right technology is becoming ever more important in sustaining competitive advantage in a constantly evolving and dynamic marketplace. We further understand the criticality of business continuity,  the performance demands of IT systems and the adverse implications of performance degradation on IT service operations and productivity for an organisations various stakeholder groups.

Access Expertise in Information and Technologies

Accessible Expertise

Simply, our people are our assets and we continually invest in their professional development with the objective of driving better IT services to our valued clients. Constantly challenging the status quo of the IT services sector to drive higher productivity and satisfaction in every exchange for our clients and their environments. Our managed IT services clients gain access to accessible expertise across broad set IT technologies, removing the need costly in house expertise.

Service Delivery Model

We have specifically designed our managed IT Services offering to meet the needs of businesses across the SME and Corporate space, whether IT is something you do or not, our Managed IT Services portfolio is flexible and agile enough to meet the evolving needs of both complete managed IT environments and segmented or co-managed scenarios, Unitec deliver the right resources, technology and people where and when it is needed to stay ahead of the curve in the modern workplace. Our managed IT services are built on four core functional components

Patch Manager Dashboard

IT Service Desk

Network Administration

Centralised Services


Our Partners

Key strategic partnerships with industry leading organizations.

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